
Sustainability Report 2023


An enduring commitment

In 2024 we publish our first ever Sustainability Report with the aim of highlighting our corporate citizenship policy and ensuring transparency not only on our engagements towards our workforce, wider society and the environment, but also towards upholding human rights and fighting corruption.  The report presents the tangible progress we have made and sets out our goals and commitments going forward, ensuring Groupe Mutuel lives up to our stakeholders’ expectations of a company that fully engages with sustainability.

For several years now, we have been engaged with a raft of issues relating to sustainability.

With the introduction of our ESG Charter, we have been working since 2020 to embed sustainability into our investment practices. This puts us in pole position in terms of responsible investment.  Compared to our peers, we have achieved a lower carbon footprint for our liquid asset portfolio –  although we are conscious that there is still considerable margin for improvement within our real estate investments.

Our people are our most precious asset. It is very important to us that everyone within the company sees opportunities to grow, both professionally and personally. Groupe Mutuel is committed to ensuring staff enjoy a pleasant working environment, favourable employment conditions and attractive fringe benefits.

Our customer experience has been an area of major strategic focus for us over the past three years, and we intend to hone it further over the coming three. Ensuring people enjoy a positive customer experience means understanding our policyholders’ needs, providing helpful support, and interacting with them in a clear and transparent way that builds trust.

Fondation Groupe Mutuel is our charitable wing, established as a means for us to fulfil our civic and social responsibilities by supporting non-profit associations and individual policyholders.

We see reducing the carbon footprint of our operational activities as a significant lever for positive impact. Therefore, in 2023 we initiated our first carbon audit to give us a baseline for identifying improvement measures.

We must now consolidate and flesh out the framework for meeting our civic, social, and environmental commitments. We must also establish the right forms of governance, so we can show concretely what sustainability means for Groupe Mutuel. Our goal is to anchor sustainability within our corporate strategy and implement tangible actions based on a realistic and effective plan.

Against a backdrop of increasing risk – due to climate upheavals, economic uncertainty, societal challenges like ageing populations, and significant regulatory change – we acknowledge our responsibility as a company and are striving to adopt a more sustainable path.

We firmly believe that this will open up new opportunities for Groupe Mutuel and help secure our future.

Karin Perraudin

Thomas Boyer

Our commitments

Our approach to sustainability
We are undertaking an in-depth sustainability analysis as a basis for drawing up a strategy and an action plan. By taking a joined-up, pragmatic approach, Groupe Mutuel aims to go beyond regulatory requirements while also factoring in the resources we have available and our timeline.

Caring employer
In 2022, we were awarded the We Pay Fair label, acknowledging our equal pay practices.

And in November 2023, Groupe Mutuel was awarded the Friendly Work Space certification, a label awarded by Promotion Santé Suisse in recognition of systematic and sustainable health management in the workplace.

Good Corporate Citizen
The ESG quality of Groupe Mutuel's securities portfolios received an overall “A” rating in the audit conducted by Conser - ESG verifier SA in 2023. This is an excellent result that is higher than the benchmark rating of “B+”.

We contribute to the development of innovative technologies by being the chief sponsor of the Tech4Eva business incubator, an innovation platform for FemTech start-ups, in partnership with EPFL Innovation Park.

Proactive Healthcare Partner
Groupe Mutuel is committed to reducing costs for policyholders by offering attractive premiums, promoting generic medications (without a deductible) and fostering a culture of prevention through PrimaFlex. This flexible and innovative alternative model of compulsory health insurance has been on the market since 2023.

Groupe Mutuel supports developing public policies that benefit society in the broadest sense, including by running a think-tank bringing together politicians from the main political parties.

Responsible Actor
All Groupe Mutuel administrative centres are supplied with Swiss electricity generated in the Valais region from renewable sources (hydro, wind or photovoltaic).

During the course of the 2023 financial year, we formalised a multi-year investment plan covering major works to our administrative buildings. Between 2024 and 2030, three buildings in Lausanne, Martigny and Sion will be upgraded in a programme of works costed at more than 9% of the value of our administrative real estate portfolio.

In late 2023 we produced a carbon audit to assess how much our operational activities add to the greenhouse effect. We will draw up an action plan in 2024 to reduce our CO₂ emissions by taking concrete measures.

Key figures



An employee engagement survey showed that our workplace environment was rated 7.9 out of 10.


Number of staff members that took part in one or more in-person or virtual training course in 2023.


The amount of equity and bond investments in companies that have committed to reducing their CO₂ emissions.


The number of our administrative centres out of six – where 75% of our staff work – are less than 10 minutes’ walk from a CFF/SBB railway station.


Since 2019 we have achieved an average 2.5% annual electricity saving across all our office facilities, equivalent to around 500,000 kWh.


The percentage of our CO₂ emissions linked to travel, whether staff commuting or business travel.

Groupe Mutuel Rapport 2022

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111