A positive year overall

Groupe Mutuel can be proud of its commercial success and look back on 2023 as a positive year overall. More than 63,000 new customers decided to take out insurance with Groupe Mutuel. After 67,500 new policyholders last year, this is a second consecutive success.

Commercial success for the second year running

How can you sum up a year at Groupe Mutuel in a few words? Groupe Mutuel is delighted with its commercial success and the overall positive outcome of 2023.

“With more than 63,000 new policyholders having signed up in 2023 for basic insurance (AOS/OKP), the commercial results are very satisfactory for the second year running”, said Karin Perraudin, President of the Board of Groupe Mutuel.

This success is all the more satisfying given that the context for our industry, and for the economy as a whole, remains very tense. With health costs rising sharply by 3.7% (the biggest increase in 10 years), premiums are also rising sharply. There is also fierce competition, intense regulatory pressure and major political uncertainty, particularly concerning the industry-wide agreement, all of which are having an impact on all stakeholders.

In 2023, more than 63,000 new customers decided to take out insurance with Groupe Mutuel. After welcoming some 67,500 new insured members the year before, this is a second consecutive success that confirms the choices made by the Board and Executive Board.

“In terms of sales and turnover, we are on the right track in all sectors of the business, which is extremely satisfying. I would like to congratulate all the Groupe Mutuel teams who contributed to this major new success," said Thomas Boyer, CEO of Groupe Mutuel.

Read the Editorial

Key figures 2023

Groupe Mutuel Holding SA


Number of new clients acquired as of 01.01.2024.


Amount saved, in millions, through invoice verification. 539 million in 2022.


Net acquired premiums / Turnover (consolidated figures in CHF thousand). 5.32 billion in 2022.


Number of private customers as at 01.01.2024. 1,360,598 in 2022.


Number of Corporate customers as at 01.01.2024. 28,000 in 2022.

0, 5

Annual results (consolidated figures in CHF million)
-472 million in 2022


Equity ratio in % of net insurance premiums. 51% in 2020.


Insurance benefits (consolidated figures in CHF thousand). (5,177,000 in 2022)

Number of employees as at 31.12.

Number of employees as at 31.12.

Number of agencies

Number of agencies

Number of service centres

Number of service centres

Percentage men/women

Percentage men/women

0% / 0%

1.420 million customers for health and pension provision

In 2023, Groupe Mutuel Holding SA gained 63,000 new customers who decided to join Groupe Mutuel. After welcoming some 67,500 new insured members last year, this is a second consecutive success that confirms the choices made by the Board and the Executive Board. In terms of sales and turnover, Groupe Mutuel is on the right track in all sectors of the business.

On the other hand, financial losses continued, with a negative consolidated result of CHF -111.5 million, mainly due to technical losses and a further rise in health costs of around 3.7%. The rise in costs in 2023 is higher than the average for the last ten years.

The Corporate sector continued to grow with over 29,500 insured companies, of which 1,500 new companies in 2023. This sector continued to grow and remains Groupe Mutuel’s second largest business sector in terms of revenue, ahead of supplemental private insurance (LCA/VVG). Once again, this sector reported a sharp rise in overall turnover, up by CHF 146 million to CHF 974 million, compared with CHF 828 million in 2022.

Groupe Mutuel Vie has positioned itself as an innovative player, active in both health and pension insurance. A new product offering launched in March 2024, combining health and pension cover, has confirmed this strategic direction. Thanks to this unique solution, our customers are able to save for their retirement while protecting their savings against unforeseen expenses resulting from extended hospitalisation and/or the birth of a child.



In 2023, Groupe Mutuel was at the service of close to 1.420 million individual insured persons

Customer Experience (CX) is a key theme for Groupe Mutuel, and not just since 2020. Customer experience has been part of our strategic orientation for many years.

In order to raise customer experience to the highest possible level throughout the company, the Executive Board is constantly increasing the scope of actions taken by all departments.

Thanks to everyone's involvement and to our team spirit, customer experience and the customer experience chain were optimised for new policyholders. The Executive Board and the Board of Groupe Mutuel would like to thank the employees who contributed to this success and commend the committed and cross-functional teamwork that was achieved. The Start & Go programme was officially closed on 31 December 2023.

In the autumn of 2023, following the announcement of a further rise in premiums for the entire industry, our insured persons were taken aback, and questions came in thick and fast. In particular, they wanted to know how they could optimise their current insurance contracts to save on premiums.

To answer their many questions, Groupe Mutuel once again set up a free Premium Hotline between October and December.

Specially trained staff were on hand to help current insureds and potential customers between 8am and 7pm. Within three months, the team had answered some 612,000 calls.



Impressive progress for the Groupe Mutuel app

The Groupe Mutuel app provides customers with 24/7 access to their health insurance information. They can view their data at any time, wherever they are. The app is available for download on the Google Play and App Store platforms, and as a web version on the Groupe Mutuel website.

Easy access to the application, user-friendliness, and features to manage insurance and benefits, which are continuously upgraded, make the app an increasingly popular tool for policyholders.

In 2023, 10 million logins to the Customer Area were recorded, which is an increase of 23% compared to 2022.

Close to 9 million documents were viewed, 1.7 million invoices and other documents were sent, and more than 100,000 automated interactions were recorded (contract modifications and changes to personal data such as a telephone number or email address). In other words, this means an average of 3.75 monthly logins per user in 2023.



Priority to women’s health

Groupe Mutuel considers women's health to be one of its priorities. Women, who make up half the population, face very specific problems. Despite this, only 4% of medical research funding is allocated to women's health, and women are under-represented in many clinical studies.

In 2023, new products, new partnerships and the third season of Tech4Eva, a start-up acceleration programme unique in Switzerland, strengthened our focus on women’s health. Our customers and staff benefited from a diverse range of medical services, and we raised public awareness of crucial issues such as breast cancer prevention and menstruation.

Every year, around 6,500 women develop breast cancer and nearly 1,400 women die from it. It is the leading cause of death in women aged between 40 and 50. As early detection of a possible breast tumour can be decisive for treatment, a mammogram every two years is recommended for women over 50. What's more, everyone should carry out a breast self-examination.

The start-up company Palpa has designed a tool to learn how to carry out a breast examination in the shower. Many women don't know exactly how to examine their breasts, forget to do so on a daily basis, or don't know what the characteristics of a tumour are. The breast-shaped container filled with liquid soap created by Palpa makes breast palpation an integral part of a woman’s personal hygiene routine. With a hard mass to suggest an anomaly, it becomes possible to palpate a “tumour”, a nodule that is still and firm to the touch.

Last year, Groupe Mutuel offered the Palpa device to all its female employees to encourage them to take care of their health and to promote prevention.

Groupe Mutuel Rapport 2023

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111